Things You Need to Know about Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment is done in order to save a tooth that is infected or damaged severely. One common misconception many people have about the procedure is that it is too painful and only ends up causing pain for the person getting the treatment. This is never the case because the cause of extreme pain is the infected pulp. We have root canal treatments at Dentistry on Broadway, and we can help patients who are looking to repair and save their tooth so as to prevent any further damage.


When and why should you go for Root Canal Treatment?



This procedure is needed in order to save a tooth with an inflamed pulp. There are different factors that can cause inflammation of the pulp, with some of the examples being multiple dental procedures done on one tooth, deep decay, chips or cracks, and faulty crowns. The procedure should be done as soon as possible in order to deal with the discomfort and pain that comes with an inflamed tooth. There needs to be a treatment that is going to ensure no further damage takes place on the tooth.


How is Root Canal Therapy Performed?


  • The dentist will start by drilling the tooth so as to get access to the pulp.
  • The dentist will remove the tissues affected using needles and rinsing solutions. This will be done properly to ensure that the area infected has been removed completely.
  • A Calcium Hydroxide is then used in killing any bacteria remaining in the root canal.
  • Gutta-percha will be then used on the drilled area so it can cover it to prevent bacteria from entering and resulting in the tooth getting re-infected.
  • Dental fillings will be used in covering the opening once the gutta-percha has been put in place.
  • The final process will be placing dental crowns on the tooth to restore the function and appearance of the tooth while protecting it from any further damage.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment


Reduces pain
Many people think that the treatment is very painful, but this is not the case. The pain you get from the inflammation of the tooth is far much worse when you compared to that of the procedure. During the procedure, the affected tissues and nerve will be removed, and this will help you in easing the pain and reducing the discomfort. Local anesthesia can be administered so that the procedure can be a painless process.


It can help in stopping an infection

Bacteria can travel to other parts of the body through the nerves found in the root. Infections can easily travel to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This procedure can help in removing bacteria, and this will have a positive impact on your general health.


It is possible to preserve the tooth
There are two main options when it comes to stopping an infection from spreading, and these are extraction and root canal. With extraction, there will be a vacant area left, and this will affect the appearance of the smile. Root canal treatment provides a better option that will be able to deal with the affected area of the tooth without having any significant effect on the appearance of the tooth. Your tooth will continue looking natural, and it will also help in the prevention of receding of bones and gums surrounding the tooth.


It can help in restoring the smile
An infected tooth will not only leave you with discomfort and pain but also have a negative effect on the appearance of the tooth. The tooth affected tends to appear discolored because of the bacteria. This problem cannot be fixed using teeth whitening.


The best option to enhance the appearance of an affected tooth is root canal treatment. If you want to get an appointment to get started with Root Canal Treatment, Visit Dentistry on Broadway.